15-16 17-18 Rebid NT at the lowest level (Pass after 1NT response). If you have additional restrictions (like adopting different ranges by seat) this also needs to be factored into the disclosure. This response takes up bidding room, so most partnerships reserve it for balanced hands of about 8-12 points with no more than one ace or king. About. The point ranges for responses in NT are: 1NT = 6-9 points 2NT = 10-11 points 3NT = 12+ points I hope you noticed that these point ranges are the same as when raising partner's major suit. . A small percentage use it as "Ogust," but most common is " Feature ." The 2NT bidder has at least game (maybe slam) interest. With a 6+ card major bid game. It shows an interesting hand with a minimum of 15 HCP. 0. The Jacoby 2NT convention is a very useful gadget. Stayman is a bidding convention in the card game contract bridge.It is used by a partnership to find a 4-4 or 5-3 trump fit in a major suit after making a one notrump (1NT) opening bid and it has been adapted for use after a 2NT opening, a 1NT overcall, and many other natural notrump bids.. Life will be much easier when you open 1NT with a five-card major and a balanced hand. rec.games.bridge. AKQJ1095. They are best initially understood in the context of a 2NT opening bid - much easier. Meaning of opening bids of 2H or 2S in fourth seat. 2D is a relay in response. Otherwise is game-forcing. The 2NT opening bid. The 2NT response is forcing to at least game in opener's major suit. Whenever you have a balance hand and the appropriate point count, open 1NT/2NT. 3 shows . Bid 2NT. 4+ Cards of opening Major. An opening bid of 2NT shows 20-22 points, a balanced hand and a stop in all four suits. 2 A 2NT rebid after opening 2 3 A 2NT bid after partner's 2 opening 4 A 2NT bid after 2 - 2 - 2 / 5 A 2NT rebid after opening one of a suit 6 A 2NT response to partner's 1 level opening 7 A 2NT response to partner's 1NT opening B. Hand must have at least 11 HCP out of the 13 TP. Don't forget that you can also use Stayman after a 2NT opening. Other opening bids: Open 2 on any hand of 22+ points. There is a weak alternative which will be found under 'opening unbalanced hands' but it is a minority choice. PREVIOUS LESSON - Opening 2NT NEXT LESSON - Opening a Strong 2 Club BL 8 House of Cards 2008: info@bridgedoctor.com 2C (strong and artificial 2NT (response) showing both minors; perhaps: x xx Q10xxx KQJxx . This month, we explore the follow-ups after the 2 opening. . Hands like this are hard to describe after a strong, artificial, 2C opening bid. 3 requests a transfer to 3; 3 requests a transfer to 3. DUPLICATE BRIDGE: NoTrump Openings and Responses. If it is in a minor suit, the same point requirements apply, but there must be 4 cards in the other major (there may be no control of opponent's suit, on the other hand). 13243. Weak two-bids in diamonds, hearts and spades. Previously, we discussed our general system approach and the parameters for a strong 2 opening. March. ( Kxxx Axx AQx AJx) a 1 opening, then a 2NT rebid unless partner bids It is used in case the responder is thinking of : Either a game. Bridge Responses Opening 1 Heart Spade Major. Opening Bid Responders Negative Reply Points Meaning of Responder Bid; 2NT: Pass: 0-2: Game is out of reach and you have no five card suit to bid: 2NT: 3C: 0-3: Stayman, promising a 4+ card major asking partner to bid their 4 card major (3H or 3S) if they have one: 2NT: 3D/3H/3S: 0-2: sign off bids - promising five cards in the bid suit with . Responses The following are the responses to a 2NT opening: 3 is Stayman. Opening . Not 5 or 7, but exactly 6. We'll first deal with hands where you don't have a fit. I Fourth Edition. You will not have a rebid problem and your . With four cards in both majors opener bids hearts first. Bidding Standard American, and opening a "strong" two clubs (typically 22 HCPs and a six card suit), I like to hear responses of 2 diamonds (0-8 points, no more than game interest), or 2NT (9+ plus points, possible slam interest). We can now finish the NOTRUMP OPENING BIDS section, with a slight breather. Jacoby 2NT. You may have 4 cards in the other major. Responses to 2NT These are similar to other notrump bids, recognizing that 4 TP is enough for game. Bridge Bidding Systems. An opening bid of two of a suit always shows at least 5 cards in the suit - so you only need 3 cards for the partnership to have an 8-card fit. Responses to a 1 Opening with no Interference. That is, it should pre-empt most of the bidding space away from the opponents. With a very weak 5-5 or 5=6 in the minors, transfer to diamonds, pass a 4 response. Thanks for your response on the one diamond response to partner's opening one bid. Raising the suit (below game): A good 3 cards in the suit, or 4+ cards. May be nonforcing with a three-suited hand short in clubs and absolutely nothing. Balanced or long minor: Bid 3NT. Responder will pass a minor suit response or bid 3 over 2NT to ask opener to take a preference of the minors. See responses to opening bids of one of a suit. 3D: would accept limit raise, so establishes GF. However, with 10+ DP, you may bid 1 at first, to allow for bidding as follows: This is a forcing bid showing a 5+ card major suit. Opening a strong 2NT. Opposite both these bids, 3 M still shows the limit raise, and a new suit, except for cheapest new . If responder rebids three of either minor, he shows . Skip to first unread message . RESPONSES TO OPENINGS OF 1 . Response in NT. 18-19 First open one of a suit then jump rebid NT See responses to opening bids of one of a suit Jump rebid NT (except with 4 cards in responder's major). b) 13 or more points. An issue came up that led to some heated discussion last night. When opener bids 2NT responder only needs 4 TP is enough for game. The responder then passes this. RESPONDING TO A 2NT OPENING BID WEAK HANDS (LESS THAN 4 POINTS): 0-3 any shape Pass With 19 points bid 3NT. May. 2NT response is Jacoby 2NT Alert. You can decide whether you want to show your major and guess how good partner's hand is, or make an invitational 2NT bid and hide your 5-card major. With this hand we could make a positive response of 2NT. what is an invitational bid in bridge. The opponents open the bidding 8 2NT in response to partner's double Source: www.edmontonbridge.ca. You have enough values to bid, and you know there is no major suit fit. Normally opener makes one of two bids opposite 2NT (see passed hand bidding below): 3C: would pass limit raise. KIBBridge I CAN Play BridgeEssential Bridge Bidding 4Opening 2NT and Responses You need 4+ points to reply, and it is worth checking to see if you can find a major suit fit with a hand like the one shown here for South, rather than bidding 3NT directly. Gavin outlines the response structure to 2NT opening bids with most of his regular partners. Opener and responder clarify their holdings on their rebids. Bid 2NT, you have 22 HCP and a balanced hand. Weak/Strong Two Club and 2NT Openings. Note that this page assumes that you have made the usual choice of playing an opening bid of 2NT as strong and natural. (This doesn't apply at the one level because one might sometimes genuinely want to play in a suit bid by the opponents, but this seems unlikely after a Weak Two.) With 5-4 in the majors, it is usually better to show the 5-card major suit first. 3NT = 25-27. Jacoby 2NT (Swedish: Stenberg 2NT) is a bridge convention in which a bid of 2NT over partner's opening bid of one heart (1 ) or one spade (1 ) shows a hand with both opening strength or better - normally at least 12 HCP or a hand meeting the "Rule of 20" criteria, andat least four-card support for opener's major suit. Audrey Grant recommends 2NT. Responses: Nat.-new suit is NF, 3NT is to play, cue & 2NT F. NT: 1ST C C S 2NT minors 4-5, 3rd position could be 4-4 Reopening: Michaels 2ND Enc S C 3NT gambling 1st and 2nd, on 3rd or 4th position to play 3RD S VS. NT (vs. Strong / Weak; Reopening; PH) LEGEND: C - count (Hi Lo = even), S - Suit preference A weak responder can pass: 3 is not forcing. With 5 card major suit transfer then bid 3NT. . c) No voids and no singletons. We will also do a full overview of the expert standard system for 2N-3S (showing 1 or both minors). Strong conventional 2C opening. An initial response to a minor suit opening should show any four+ card major suit regardless of HCP. . Hope for the best if opener passes 3NT. The bid cannot be used in the overcall position; and, like the 1NT opener, it is a limit bid, so it is not forcing in any way. Alderaan delenda est. (11-12 HP for 2NT, 13+ for 3NT), with at least one control in the opponent's suit. If opener needs 5 cards to open a major, then If opener doesn't open 1 of a major, 99% of the time he doesn't have 5 of a major , so responder's goal is to find a 4-4 major fit. Slam interest (game forcing). After 2NT, direct opening or strong Benji rebid is a selected option. No slam interest. . Game-forcing splinter, promising a four-card major and at least a mild slam invitation. With aces and kings, it's usually best to bid 2 and wait to hear what partner has to say. When opening 2NT with a 5-card major suit, many play Puppet or Muppet Stayman. With a 4-card major use stayman. Pass with absolutely nothing, otherwise rebid 3NT with 5 hearts or 4 with 6+. The 2NT opening should be 20-21 balanced. .] Hand 1. Using a standard structure with a strong, forcing and artificial 2 opening bid, what is the best use for a 2NT response? the 2NT opener) must bid the next suit up, 3 or 3 . With 18 or 19 HCP, open one of a suit then jump to 2NT or jump raise partner's major suit response with appropriate 4+ card support [1 - P - 1 - P 3 . Response to Two NT. Response in NT. This hand is too strong to open at the one level and risk partner passing with fewer than six points. 0-3 4-10 11-12 11+ Pass. 8+ card major suit fit. This convention gives up the natural meaning . Responding to a Flannery 2D opening bid. Lesson 1 -- The 1NT Opening and Responses The 1NT opening is the beginning of the lessons for a few reasons. When I > don't have an artificial call to show the limit 2NT range, I respond > 1NT on 11 and I bid either 2C or 2NT forcing, or 2D(inverted) with 12. . Just pick one and live with it. If you play Flannery, you might want to try these responses to a 2D opening bid. 2NT:22-23 pts. AK. 2NT = 20-21. Lesson 7 -- Weak Two Bids and Responses A Weak Two Bid is a bid of 2D, 2H or 2S that shows 6-10 HCP and exactly 6 cards in the bid suit. In all seats except fourth seat, and not vulnerable only, the 2 C or 2NT opening either have their normal, very strong, meanings or can be weak with a long suit. (Throughout the following notes, in order to clearly distinguish the actions of the opener and the responder, these will be shown as different colours -Opener, Responder) We shall assume that the 2NT can originate from any strong opening bid, a common approach being: 2 - 2 - 2NT: 20-21 pts. 2H and 2S are weak twos as per SAYC and 2NT in response is usually used as an enquiry so that opener bids 3C with poor points and a . This is a great bid when holding six diamonds and five clubs With a game-going or better hand and both minors, transfer to clubs, then bid 4 (assuming you're willing to bypass 3NT). > show 11-12 balanced than give up the forcing 2NT response. In order to find 8-card fit in partnership, you can ask 4+ cards major of your partner by bidding 2 to your partner's 1 NT opening In response to Stayman, opener shows four-card major suit. If you open two clubs and rebid 2NT, it . uc davis anatomy course. Opener has bid 2NT to show 20-22 points and a balanced hand. Opener rebids 2H with 4-4 in the majors. KJ9 Q6 T9872 JT8 Partner opens 1 . After an artificial strong 2 opening, a 2 response is a 'waiting' bid and can be very weak (often) or possibly strong with no outstanding suit to bid. These concepts will pop up along the way of the lessons. Opener has bid 2NT to show 20-22 points and a balanced hand. Choose the correct bid Responding to 2NT is similar to responding to other NoTrump bids, with your partner having 20 - 22 HCP you can recognise that 4 - 5 TP is enough for game in No Trumps, and 5 - 6 TP is enough for a game in a suit Responses to 2NT opening Bid 3NT directly with a balanced hand; Bid 4 or 4 directly with a 6-card major Report at a scam and speak to a recovery consultant for free. Raising to game: A good 3 cards in the suit, or 4+ cards. 2NT: 9+ HCP . Bid 3NT directly with a balanced hand; bid 4 , 4 directly with a 6-card major and bid 3 , 3 with a 5-card major. When partner opens the bidding with 1 heart or 1 spade and you have: a) A 4-card support. As to what might constitute "interest," see my article on " The Rule of 17 ." A "Feature" is usually an ace or king. Bid 3NT directly with a balanced hand Bid 4 or 4 directly with a 6-card major Bid 3 , 3 with a 5-card major Your Partner is Opener 2NT You are Re sponder Hand 1. 2D- 2H, 2S, 3NT, 4H, 4S To play Bidding System - Benji ACOL. The differences between Benjaminised Acol and Basic Acol lie in the opening bids at the 2-level. The bid is said to be pre-emptive. With no biddable suit South will reply with the following limit responses: In response to an opening bid of 2NT (20-22 points) Points held. The convention is named for Sam Stayman, who wrote the first published description in 1945, but its . what is an invitational bid in bridge what is an invitational bid in bridge 78 views. However, there is no invitational bid available with a 5-card major. 2. Hand 2. Nor does it promise a positive rebid. But you don't have to address that, unless there is something that you play (or believe that you . The equivalent of a splinter opposite a 1NT opening. b) 15 to 17 high card points. The right-hand most part of this section (see illustration) is not nearly as complicated nor memory-intensive as the other parts. What's forcing after responder makes a 2/1 response. When opener bids 2NT responder only needs 4 TP is enough for game. Jump rebid NT. The distribution for 2NT opening bid is the same as opening a strong 15-17 notrump, namely 4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2 or 2-3-3-5 with length in a minor; however, some open hands that are 6-3-3-3 or 5-4-2-2, with a six or five card major. Conversations. Don't let scams get away with fraud. 3 is Jacoby transfer to 3 . Response to Two NT. 18-19 points - open in a minor, then rebid 2NT; 20-21 points - open 2NT; With 3-3 minors, open 1 ; With 4-4 minors, open 1 ; Third Priority: Open your longer minor on unbalanced hands of 12-21 points that don't have a 5+ major. 2 - 2 - 2NT: 24+ pts. Hand-typeThe traditional agreement is that the bid shows a balanced hand of twenty to twenty two points. DUPLICATE BRIDGE: THE JACOBY 2NT CONVENTION. If 2NT then follow the 2NT bidding rules, shifting point ranges as necessary. April. Do not be distracted by a five-card major. The response of 2 to opener's 1NT asks partner to bid a four-card minor; otherwise 2NT. Opponents Interference: (Page 55-56) Over Take-out Double: With Negative Response: Pass: Negative, with 3 cards in openers suit 1 Step: Negative, without 3 cards in openers suit and 3 cards in step suit. 2NT response to 1m opening. With 4+ HCPs responder should bid game: With a balanced hand containing no 4-card major, raise to 3NT. NOTE: With 15, 16 or 17 points and a 5-cards hearts or spades, first, open the major at the 1 level ready to show the point . Doesn't say which minor is longer. a positive response by jumping to 3. The Convention: the responder bids 3 (asking), thence both opener and responder bid their four card suits at lowest level, denying the ones jumped . If Published: June 9, 2022 Categorized as: usa swimming motivational times percentile . and. 1 A 2NT opening bid. 2NT Method. There isn't room to use them for delicate investigation on hands that know what trumps will be, but want to know more about partner's hand anyway. It is NEVER a singleton or void. If you have at least one 4 cards major suit. The 2NT ranges I often read about online are 20-22 points with 4-5 points response giving enough for game The 2NT range in GiB 2/1 is 20-21 points with anything from 5-10 points leading to a 3NT response I have found these to be far too conservative and occasionally (not often ) will open with a nice 19 or even 18 point 2NT A62. 2C is "non-forcing" Stayman, meaning that the bidding can stop in two of a suit. Raise: holding at least 4 cards in partners suit With Semi-positive or Positive Response: You expect opener to pass. We will learn later how responder can enquire about your major suit holding ("Stayman"convention) Hand 3. The bid cannot be used in the overcall position; and, like the 1NT opener, it is a limit bid, so it is not forcing in any way. 3C: Stayman (ordinary . If you have 3 cards in partner's suit but do not have the requirements for a positive response, you will first respond with 2NT (alertable) and then you will raise partner's suit. If opener bids 1NT over this step it shows a 1 suit hand. Responses to a major suit opening Hands can be devided up into ranges based on points and whether or not a fit exists. Responding to your partners Opening 2NT These responses are similar to responding to other Opening notrump bids. Hands suitable for Opening 2NT. A note about the opening itself: 2NT should be in the range 21-22; the lesser the strength the more the risk of getting the double, which over 2NT is always punitive, whether direct or balancing. There are absolutely no exceptions. " for 6 card major bid game 4S or 4 Hearts, " for 5 card major bid 3S or 3 Hearts which are forcing bids, * with 4 card major bid 2C for Stayman to ask if opener has 4 or more cards in a major suit. Of course, it's a forcing bid. The Jacoby 2NT response is often used to explore the possibilities for slam. what is an invitational bid in bridge. It is a game forcing major suit raise by responder in his 1 st bid that shows the following: 13+ total points including extra values for distribution. Bid 3NT directly with a balanced hand Bid 4 or 4 directly with a 6-card major Bid 3 , 3 with a 5-card major Your Partner is Opener 2NT You are Re sponder Hand 1. We will dig into auctions that start with Stayman and transfers and talk about how awkward these auctions are at the 3 and 4 level. In this case, 2 by responder would be negative, and a 2 response would be waiting but game forcing. After a 2, 2, or 2 weak two-opener a response of 2NT is conventional. Open 2 , 2 or 2 with 5-11 points, and a . a) A balanced hand 4-3-3-3; 4-4-3-2; 3-3-4-3.distribution. Con: The big hand often becomes dummy. Or a slam. North The 2C opening can be weak with long Ds or Ss, while the 2NT opening can be weak with long Hs or Cs. You have 20 HCP and a balanced hand. A 2NT response is asking for information. It can have a 5 card suit (5332 shape), major or minor. (With 18-19, open one of a suit and rebid by jumping to 2NT; with 22 or more balanced, start with 2 ). 2nd November 2017. Jump to three level. 1 M -2NT: Limit Raise or Better, four + trumps, or any 4-3-3-3 & 16+ HCP. The 2NT opening bid. RESPONDING TO A 2NT OPENING BID WEAK HANDS (LESS THAN 4 POINTS): GOOD HANDS (4+ POINTS) OPENING BID OF 2NT AND RESPONSES An opening bid of 2NT shows a balanced hand with 20-22 points. An opening bid of 2NT shows 20-22 points, a balanced hand and a stop in all four suits. RESPONSES AND LATER BIDDING AFTER A 15-17 1NT OPENING. Flannery is a 2 opening bid which shows 5 hearts and 4 spades. Transfers Nor does it promise a positive rebid. Uncategorized > jacoby 2nt over interference. If you've played bridge before, these lessons (especially the first few) will have . Opener. So, after opening one of a minor, responder should bid his lowest 4 card major. Disclose your NV2NT opening as showing 0-15 or whatever range you use. Many players tend to respond 2 NT without any strategy or any good reason. One of Oswald Jacoby's best gifts to bridge was the idea of using 2NT as a conventional forcing raise in response to a one-of-a-major opening bid. Pro: You will find your best minor suit fit while you escape 1NT. First and foremost, it is a very simple bid, and most of the responses teach important concepts. Meaning of a 3S response to a 1D opening bid. 5. Coping when everything you do seems wrong. Play at bridge of online BBO usually use standard system/basic. I frequently get asked about this. Jump to 2NT with 13-15 balanced; Jump to 3NT with 16-18 balanced; . Disclose your vulnerable 2NT opening as showing 5/5/ in the minors with 14-15 HCP. RESPONDING TO A 2NT OPENING BID (uncontested auction) Responses are very similar to an opening 1NT. 2NT asks for more details. JACOBY 2NT ("Original") Most tournament players use "JACOBY 2NT" in conjunction with their 5-card major system. I give my usual answer: " There are many methods--all with good and bad attributes. With no biddable suit South will reply with the following limit responses: In response to an opening bid of 2NT (20-22 points) Points held.

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bridge response to 2nt opening

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